October 16, 2024

Retirement of APIs Version 1 and Version 2

Effective January 22, 2025, the USPS API Versions 1 and 2 will officially retire.  To ensure uninterrupted access to USPS services and take advantage of our latest innovations, we highly recommend upgrading to USPS API Version 3 at your earliest convenience.

Why Upgrade to USPS API Version 3?

Version 3 introduces significant enhancements over previous versions, offering robust performance and advanced capabilities tailored to modern business needs:

  • Improved Reliability and Uptime: With enhanced fault tolerance, Version 3 ensures better system reliability, minimizing downtime and disruptions for your operations.
  • Optimized API Performance: Faster response times and improved data throughput mean that your systems will experience reduced latency when making requests, providing a smoother user experience.
  • Expanded Functionality: Version 3 includes new endpoints and features designed for increased flexibility and precision, such as:
    • Enhanced Tracking Capabilities: More detailed tracking data, with granular updates and predictive delivery times.
    • Expanded Address Validation: Improved algorithms for parsing and validating international addresses.
    • Advanced Rate Calculations: Enhanced pricing logic for real-time shipping cost estimation, including multi-package shipments.
  • Greater Security: Leveraging updated encryption protocols and OAuth 2.0, Version 3 strengthens the protection of API keys and sensitive data.

Technical Considerations for Transition

Migrating to API Version 3 may require adjustments to your existing integration. Here are a few key points to consider for a smooth transition:

  • Backward Incompatibility: API Version 3 introduces changes to endpoint structures and request/response formats. We recommend reviewing the updated API documentation to identify any necessary modifications in your implementation.
  • OAuth 2.0 Implementation: Version 3 uses OAuth 2.0 for API authentication, replacing legacy authentication methods. This will require the generation and management of new tokens for secure access.
  • New Error Handling Standards: More granular error codes and response details will be available, helping your system more effectively diagnose and respond to issues during API interactions.
  • Sandbox Environment: To support your development efforts, USPS offers a sandbox environment where you can thoroughly test the integration with Version 3 before deploying to production.

Support and Resources

We recognize that this transition is critical for your business and customers, and we are committed to assisting you every step of the way:

  • API Documentation: Comprehensive guides and migration instructions are available on the USPS Developers Portal.

Contact Information:

We will provide you with monthly reminders/updates until APIs Version 1 and Version 2 retire on January 22, 2025.



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Industry Engagement & Outreach/USPS Corporate Affairs

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